Sir Christopher Wren’s Birthday Update
He would have been 392 years old today, had he concentrated less on immortality via the medium of rebuilding London’s ecclesiastical structures and more on the staying alive for ever kind of immortality.
The last update as prophetic about things never going to plan. GODOT was not our first runner of autumn as he was not quite ready enough for as competitive a race as Kempton, so that honour was due to go to EKLIL, who got himself out of a Plumpton run by proudly brandishing a swollen leg on the morning of the race. Lord knows how he managed to do it, but the baton was then passed to BIRDMAN BOB, with CLONDAW ROBIN also not quite right enough to go there. Thinking that two miles would be on the short side, the plan was to be right up with, and control, the pace, which was the case as they approached the tape. The starter decided the field was coming in too fast and asked them to take a turn, the upshot of which was that Birdman Bob was shuffled to the back when the flag went down, and never got in the race. At least he looked as if he wanted to be there… Next up was SUZY WOOD debuting at Chepstow, which was a bonus, as the balloting order was very unfavourable to her. The race was full of horses from yards that aim to bag bundles of bumper wins, so a really tough task, but what she learned from the experience was important.
Birdman Bob at Plumpton
Below is a video of LA DOLCE DOLLY and FLEMEN’S TIPPLE finishing off a nice spin around Warren Barn Farm. There seemed to be more red kites, a buzzard and kestrel around when taken, so presumably AI has removed them as out of place blobs. That is the fragility of existence for a bird of prey.
And as Halloween looms, enjoy this picture of the phantom shaped star adorning SUZY WOOD, even if she is thinking “bah, humbug!” about the leading Hallmark Holiday of the year.